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Submit Your Writing

We accept guest posts from writers, scientists, physicians, students, and anyone who knows science and can write an engaging article.

Submission:  Please include your full-text article and a brief bio (social handles are helpful) to





Why Write for Neuroscience From Underground?

  1. The Joy of Sharing – Get your ideas into the world.

  2. Exposure – Our articles reach between 200-2,000 readers per post.

  3. Links/Traffic – When you contribute an article, you’ll receive a link to your site or social media.

  4. Short Review Times - We get back to you within one week.

What are the Technical Requirements?

  • Length: 500-1,000 words is preferred, but not required.

  • For all other technical & formatting issues, including article sections and layout, we defer to your judgment.

What Types of Content are Accepted​?

  • Hypotheses: Especially those lacking in feasibility and practicality.

  • Experimentation (not peer-reviewed)

    • Controlled self-experimentation

    • Controlled regular experimentation: p-values are all but out of the question.

  • Deductions: Theory, conjecture, speculation, surmisings, &c.

  • New perspectives: Article or research reviews.

  • Manifestos: Let's start a revolution - tell us where the field needs to move.

  • Musings: Contemplations, woolgatherings, dreams, and other fact-based abstractions.

  • Emotional Outbursts: Rants, tirades, gripes, and other fact-based emotional outbursts.

  • Blank Check: What's your fantasy research proposal?

  • Defies Categorization: Your preferred category of communication not included? We're probably still into it, send away.

Are There any Publications Fees? Are Authors Reimbursed?

  • No publication fees

  • No compensation

Style Recommendations

  • Diverse Perspectives: If applicable, consider both the scientific and humanistic perspectives.

  • Long Horizons: Caveats are critical.

  • Accessible: Think about addressing it to your smartest friend without any formal scientific education.

  • Gonzo Science: How do you feel about the whole thing? No gymnastics to maintain a passive voice required.

  • Entertaining: This is not psych or neuro 101.

  • Don't tell me how to write: That's alright, we're very flexible people.

What Happens After You Send?

  • Average Review Time:  < 1 week

  • You will be notified by email whether your proposal has been accepted.

  • Accepted articles may undergo 1-2 rounds of revisions.

If you have any thoughts or questions, please reach out at any time, we look forward to hearing from you!


Topics We're Especially Into


A Moonshot for Neuroscience:  Tell us about a goal for neuroscience, a lofty, mind-boggling-type-goal, a 20-50-year-from-now-type-goal, and sketch out the path to get us there.

Religion and spirituality: How can, how should, and how is religion and spiritually informing our understanding of psychology?

Tenure: The path to academic freedom is paved with good intentions. Describe the unwritten rules to success in the bureaucratic labyrinth that is academia.

Neuroscience in 2019: In some ways, neuroscience is already impacting our daily lives - Cyborgs, TMS brain stimulation - what’s happening in the world today, and what’s the evidence that it works?

Reforming psychiatry: The foundation of psychiatry’s classification system isn’t very scientific. Over the next 20-50 years, how can we re-vamp the DSM?

Science Communication: What role can universities, funding bodies, journals, and scientists play in reforming science communication practices?


Critics of academic psychology complain about how reductive psychological language is, or the disconnection from everyday experience.  People in the arts and humanities, on the other hand, these critics may say, are free to delve into the richness of everyday experience.  For these two writing prompts, try and bridge this gap. Take something, anything, in the world of academic psychology, and explore how well it relates to everyday lived experience, or start with one of the two prompts below.

Translation:  The RDoC, the National Institute of Health’s framework for psychiatric research, contains 42 constructs to describe human experience.  Each of these constructs is associated with one or more behaviors (for example, the construct “Acute Threat” is associated with the behavior of “Avoidance”).  Take a passage of your choosing from either poetry or fiction or whatever, and translate each of the behavioral or psychological words into one of the 42 RDoC terms and associated behaviors.  For example, “I’m a sick man, I’m a wicked man” might become “I am experiencing negative valence, I exhibit physical and relational aggression out of my frustrative non-reward”.  Then, give your translation a close read, where does the language break down, failing to adequately convey the original text?

Narrative:  Ever taken part in a study looking at some aspect of psychology or behavior?  Had a brain scan, or, filled out a bunch of surveys, or participated in a computerized task?  Narrate the experience of a research subject, providing some context about your life, and elaborating on the complexity and richness of each moment.  Do you know what the researchers were trying to measure, and if so, in your case, do you think they did a good job?

Application Instructions





Golgi Productions, LLC

236 S. Webik ave

Clawson, MI 48017



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